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Quitting smoking

You smoke but are thinking of quitting. How can you approach this? Research shows that quitting with guidance works best. If you want to quit smoking, it is nice if you are not alone. Receiving counselling can be through individual counselling or in the form of group training (on-site or online).

Quitting in groups

In a group, you can support each other and have one common goal: quit smoking! In 7 meetings of 1.5 hours, on location or online, together with others, you stop smoking. After two weeks of preparation, you will stop smoking together during the third meeting. You then receive another month of guidance from our experienced coaches to help you get through those first difficult weeks. They do this using a proven effective method developed at universities in England.

Individual coaching

Together with the coach, you will walk the path towards your final goal: a smoke-free life! The coach motivates you to continue, supports you in making the right choices and guides you with valuable tips and advice. The programme consists of 6 individual talks, 1 of 30 minutes and 5 of 20 minutes. Between appointments, extra contact with your coach is possible at difficult moments.


SineFuma's stop-smoking counselling is fully reimbursed by all health insurers under the basic health insurance. For information and possibilities, see the website "Smoke-free! You too?".

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